Friday, April 20, 2012

Karate and the Olympics

Thanks to Sensei Claudio Iedwah for the following on Delcourt and Nishiyama efforts relative to the Olympics. Lots of interesting stuff.


  1. Even though it doesn't quite make up for the 4-part series based on hearsay and anecdotes, thank you for posting this link that at least provides some documentation of the events.

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Apparently I didn't make it as clear as I thought I had that my posts were primarily based on what I had personally experienced or what had been passed on to me from those with first hand knowledge of events. It included hearsay but from very reliable sources - such as Jacques Delcourt and George Anderson, who were actively involved from day one. As I think I mentioned, books on the subject were, at the time I wrote these posts, in the works. Their goal was a full, documented history of events, probably more what you had in mind. But thanks again, Jim

  3. It had been a while, Lubo San, since I wrote those posts. I just went back and found I had written the following at the start of Part II: "My goal is just to pass on what I know or was told by knowledgeable people, as well as some of my experiences with some of the participants to give some insights into how these people appeared to think and act."
