Thursday, January 6, 2011

WKF World Medal of Excellence

I was told I need to pass this on to you guys, as many aren't on Facebook. I somehow was selected to receive the World Kubokan Federation's World Medal of Excellence. My initial goal in karate was to see if I could get as high as 3rd Dan and would have died a happy, fulfilled man with just that. But this truly humbles me. I don't have words to express my gratitude. As I mentioned on FB, I think I just outlived all the really good guys.

Here's a link to Hanshi Ronnie Colwell's great organization. If you're not a member, it's non-style, non-political. All martial artists are welcome as brothers and fellow travelers along the budo path.

Thank you, Hanshi Colwell and the WKF for this great honor, Jim

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